Friday, April 24, 2009

Joyful ? Joyless ?

Im just got my car driving license yesterday night but Im not felt joyful as well !
I dont know why I got this felt ! Is it concern my work on yesterday , sometime I think about it !
Why I said like that ? This because one of the staff bad mood on yesterday , we really dont know what the reason make her so Bad mood , she totally dont want chatting with us at all including manager as well .
Anyways , I hope that she will notice and take it seriously that dont show your mood to anyone , because this will causes friendship and relationship getting worst and worst !
By the way , I should thanks my dad and mum because they always teach me drive car and encourage me all the time and also not forgot to thx Lord Jesus ...Thx ...

Monday, April 20, 2009

P License .....20/4/2009

Yo Hoo....finally I get my car P license today !
Actually I really dont know that today got TEST until my coach called me and told me today ! Walao...I really not ready yet for Test and felt very excited lo...
Btw , it really bored while waiting test.Rather than that , it was very HOT !
Actually I scik today ...
haiz....anyway , thx god becoz HE make a way ...HE bless me all the time ...Thx JESUS ....

Monday, April 13, 2009


BNTS 终于在16/4 圆满结束。
当然最令人期待的是29/3的宴会,这宴会邀请了2008年和2009年所有NTS的军官和CAMP HELPER,目的是要感谢大家的付出,也借此机会促进彼此的感情。


当然,当晚CAMP HELPER 也有表演...首先是 KANNETH & WEI JIAN 表演,很搞笑:

接下来是Umm Ha Umm Ha ...哈哈没错,就是由我们自创的表演啦....

